Foro / Salud

Really bad experience with jan bouda in prague- cosmetic surgery rhinoplasty

Última respuesta: 27 de enero de 2010 a las 14:24
27/1/10 a las 10:51

I worte this in www.cosmetic-plastic-surgery.i nfo but it was removed "due to inappropriate content" and I wonder why they only allow the good experiences to be posted?

I wanted to share my bad experience with Dr. Jan Bouda and with schoenheitschirurg-tschechien. de with everyone because I feel that no tonly good but also bad experiences can help people in their search for a good if not great cosmetic surgeon.

About 7 months ago I went to Dr. Jan Bouda because I wanted to make my nose thinner and finer since I thought it looked wide.

I would have to say that my experience with him and the agency schoenheitschirurg-tschechien. de has been really, really bad. He has been disrespectful, rude and uncaring. On top of that my nose looks worse than before. He put the tip of my nose up making my nose shorter and now my nose looks wider and my nostrils are visible and look bigger!! In addition my profile looks horrible.

It has been about seven months after the operation and I see no improvement on the shape of my nose. And although he did fix a small asymmetry I had on my bridge the overall shape looks bad. He doesnt give me support and doesnt explain things to me so Im completely clueless.

I have asked him for a full report of the operation several times and he doesnt give it to me. I have also been told by the assistant:

"Pls consider I dont really have time for postoperative email- discussions, cos I have a lot of patients waiting for consultation. U have tel. nr. Of dr. bouda, pls call him in Feb and try to fix up with him directly, if he is ready to operate u again for 0 cost, so that u pay just 400 for narcosis" and

"Sorry, we do not have time for lengthy discussions"

"we are sorry, your inside healing process was not very good, and I cant guarantee u, if the next operation will help it to make better form" and saying that if my individual healing process is bad is not their fault!!! all this after giving me some hope and telling me that its too early to see the full results, that I can make it better by massaging it, that if I want to I can "risk" the second operation with no guarantees...

Then she tells me : "look in the papers u have got from doctor, there is a number, but pls dont call him million times, he is operating all the time, he wont also have time for long discussions with u. Call just in feb."

So what am I supposed to do when all this happens?? Nothing?

I have told him how I feel, that I see that my nose looks worse than before, Ive asked him if he can bring the tip back down and fix what he did and he says he doesnt see a big problem. I know it is still healing but me not being an expert can see that the results are bad. Even the assistant, when she saw the pictures 3months after the operation, said she was sorry about the inconvenience and that she was surprised about the results since they normally have no problem.
Now the second operation to undo what he did is much more complicated and costly. Cartilage has to be taken from somewhere in my body to fix what he did and make the tip of my nose like it was before plus many other things and of course with no guarantees. A total Disaster.

You can imagine I would definitely dont recommend him to anyone. I have to do a second operation and I am looking for a specialist that can help me in any way.

- My consultation the day before the operation was cancelled and moved the same day of the operation; same day he had another operation scheduled right before my rhinoplasty.

-I wanted a finer, thinner nose that is in harmony with my face but that also looks natural. Obviously I wanted to improve the aesthetic of my nose and this is what I told him. He replied by laughing and saying that everyone wants the same thing.

-Three days after the operation I went to see him and asked him to please give me a post-operation guideline and all the information I needed for a good recovery and he never did. He just suggested some massages on the side on the nose and thats it.

-I also asked him to please explain what he did to me and he replied he did a classical Rhinoplasty. Since I am not an expert I asked him to please explain further. He laughed again and said with an annoyed voice: go get a book and read it, Im not going to explain to you what a classical rhinoplasty is.

You can imagine how I felt... and how I still feel and I hope they dont want me to just sit back and relax because this is intolerable and ridiculus.

I hope this is helpful and good luck in your search!

Ver también

27/1/10 a las 14:24

I feel so sorry for you!
Hello! My name is Pilar.
I can only recomend you my own doctor. If you are so unhappy with the results and you feel you are not understood and they do not listen to you! Maybe you should not try anmore and be prepare to pay for it again.
I am Spanish! And I had my rhinoplasty done by a very GOOD and PROFESSIONAL DOCTOR in Madrid. His name is DR. Francisco Abril Gonzalez. He does also speak english and he will deffinately listen to you. I am sure he will enjoy operating you because rhinoplasty is his speciality. He belongs to the spanish association of aesthetic and reparing surgery, (SECPRE) and so many others. He has been operating for more than 30 years and has done more than 1000 rhinoplasties. And he is so kind!
I had mine done on the 14th of January 2010, quite recently,and I know two more girls whom got it done by him too. We are all very happy and have very beautiful noses now.
I have not feel any pain at all. I remember that I was talking to them and suddenly I was sleeping, when I woke up I heard -You are done!- And I said.How quick!
Then I spend one night at the hospital, and the following day I was back home.
My face was a little swolen for the first three days, and after that It looked quite fine.I did not get any bruises at all. When he removed the plaster. I fall in love with my nose. It looks good and natural and it suits my face.
I have called him as many times as I needed to do it and he always answered all my questions with kindness! I am very happy!
If you cannot do it in Spain. You should fine a good professional who listens to you and understands your necessities in your own country. I would not let touch my face somebody who I cannot trust.
I hope this can help you!

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